Unrestricted Custom Component - Struggling to Force Internal Scrolling

I’m building an Unrestricted Custom Component that displays a long text document in a central column, with absolute-positioned margin comments on the left and right. Think of it like a “Word document” with inline highlights and margin notes.

  • The text is rendered in paragraphs in the middle column.

  • Comments are absolutely positioned (using style={{ position: 'absolute', top: ... }}) in the left/right columns.

  • Each comment lines up with the highlight in the text.

My problem:

I want an internal scrollbar within the component when it’s taller than the bounding box. I’ve given the custom component a fixed height in UI Bakery and set overflow: auto in my top-level <div> style. This works in some cases (e.g. with short sample data), but with my real data, the scroll sometimes doesn’t appear (and I don’t understand why).

Hi @sankgreall

Welcome to our community!

We will try to reproduce your case on our side, and I might get back to you for some additional details.



For your case, we could recommend trying the restricted custom component, such issues should not occur there.
If this doesn’t help, please make a copy of an app with the affected component, export it, and send us the archive for further troubleshooting.

Thank you!