Small bug when inserting links inside a Rich Text Editor with the height "Fixed"

Please watch the loom below as it will explain it much better. This happens only when the component’s height is set to “fixed”. Not a big problem right now as it can be fixed with the height “Auto” but just to let you know.:grin:

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Hello @Andrei27 and thank you for reaching out with this issue!
I’ll consult with the dev team to see if this is a known issue or a new bug and get back to you. Cheers!


Hey @Andrei27

Could you please confirm which browser are you using? Are you using a cloud version of UI Bakery or a self-hosted one? If so, which version are you on? I’m asking because we tried to reproduce on our side, but everything is working fine.

Hi, sure. I am using Google Chrome, UI Bakery v3.105.0 - cloud version of UI Bakery.
Very strange as this was reported by a user and I can reproduce it on my side as well.

Can confirm this issue on Chrome UI Bakery v3.104.0 on-prem version.

To repdroduce the issue, the rich text editor must be in a modal (at least for me).


Thank you @Andrei27 and @Max. Sent the details to the dev team and will go back to you once I have their feedback.

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