I’ve installed new uibakery for self host instance and I’m unable to log in. If I use option to sign up this doesn’t work and I get error: Something went wrong, please try again.
How I can add new user if I have fresh installation of self hosted ui bakery? I managed to do this a while ago, but I don’t remember how I did this.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Something went wrong typically hints to the configuration for the instance not being right. I just recently had this issue myself while configuring the proxy for my instance.
Specifically, it should hint to a network, DNS, proxy or routing problem which prevents the instance from making backend requests. If you check the console in the DevTools it should show some failed requests.
So you either have some variable wrong in the .env of your instance directory, or the issue lies with some routing or a proxy you’ve set up.
If you are using a proxy, don’t forget to add this to your .env (mentioned here in the docs):