Deprecation warning - Listener for added 'DOMNodeInserted' mutation event

I am getting a lot of Deprecation warnings for "Listener added for a ‘DOMNodeInserted’ mutation event. Get 81 every time my page loads. Not sure if this is creating any performance issues currently but I do not love seeing these.

After tearing apart my app I traced it to rich text components. Each appears to given three warnings whenever they render. The setting “Toolbar type” when selected as “Popup” seems to account for 1 of the 3 warnings the component causes. I have not found any other settings to cause or not cause the warning.

I think this is a UIB issue. Correct?

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Hey @chTim,
Thanks for reaching out!

You’re absolutely right — this deprecation warning is caused by outdated Rich Text component lib. We’re aware of this deprecation and already updated the lib accordingly, but next release is scheduled for the first weeks of January (due to New Year’s code freeze).

You can track new releases here: What's new on UI Bakery

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