Data source tables


Is there any way to see a list of controls or actions in which some Table from Data source is used?



Hi @Karlek,

For actions and components you can see where they are used.

Actions have this for a longer time already and it moved location a little bit over time. With the newest versions you can always find it all the way to the right in the action menu:

We can see that it is being used in a form component for it’s Data setting and it’s being used by itself in the errorToast field.

Since v3.108 components also have a view where you can see their usage. To open that view, click on the hook symbol next to the components title
This shows you the components usage in a similar fashion like the actions view.

For both components and actions you can click on the field the data is being used in, which is the yellow/orange text with the purple background color. That will bring you to the exact place you used that component or action.

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Hi Max,

thank you for your responce. Yes I have looking in this direction but in case I change Table fields or even Table name for some reason (upper/lower) it will be very helpfull if I can see a list of controls where this table is used. This will be great help in in such casses.


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