Connecting UI Bakery to my MSS SQL database

Hi, I’m trying to connect my database to UI Bakery, from the host side, it seems all correct, I did follow all the steps to ensure that my DB is active and reachable, I set up the firewall to accept the IP addresses required from UI Bakery, however I’m getting the error in the screenshot.

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 20.2 to host my database.

Hello @Mahad_Mahad,

There must still be an issue with either the Host field, or it can’t be reached from outside your network/machine.

There is also a chance that UI Bakerys MS SQL driver doesn’t allow named SQL server addresses. In that case, you could try accessing via server name or IP address.

But without knowing how your MS SQL server is set up, it’s difficult to tell what the issue is.